Dental treatment without anxiety

We know that some people get worried about coming to the dentist. At Ash Villa, we can give you a mild sedative so that you’re more comfortable while we carry out treatment. If sedation dentistry is something you’d prefer, please let the team at our practice in Sale know.


What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry means that dental treatment is carried out while you’re sedated. We understand that some people are nervous and that others have a real phobia of coming to the dentist. They avoid attending regular appointments or getting vital treatment to protect the health of their teeth. This reluctance to see the dentist can be due to a variety of reasons including:

  • Concern about potential pain
  • Feeling out of control
  • Fear of being judged if their teeth are in poor condition
  • Bad childhood experiences
  • Strange sounds and smells
  • A needle phobia

If you have dental anxiety, sedation is a safe, effective way to make you feel completely relaxed and much more willing to undergo treatment. Your worries will be eliminated but you remain conscious and able to answer questions, so the dentist can treat you more effectively.

Using sedation means that you can still receive the treatment you need without having to worry. You will still be awake, however you will feel calm and slightly drowsy.

Why choose to have sedation?

  • Makes you feel completely relaxed and anxiety-free
  • Rapid onset of the calming effects
  • Level of sedation can be tailored to suit your needs
  • Can help you forget the treatment process
  • Allows you to communicate with the dentist

What is involved in having sedation?

Your general health will be carefully assessed, including your blood pressure and oxygen levels.

The level of sedation is tailored to your individual requirements and administered via a soft plastic tube inserted into a vein in the back of your hand. It doesn’t take long to take effect and we monitor you closely throughout your treatment. Once you are suitably relaxed, we administer any other necessary medication, including local anaesthetic for pain relief.

Additional medication will be required to relieve any discomfort as sedation only calms you and does not provide pain relief. However, this will be administered once you are suitably relaxed.

The effects of sedation will take a while to wear off, so you will need someone to take you home and keep an eye on you.

Frequently asked questions
Will I fall asleep during my treatment?

Some people do doze off, however the sedatives we use are designed to make you feel less anxious rather than put you to sleep.

Local anaesthetics don’t usually affect me, will sedation work?

Yes. Sedation makes you feel calmer and can also help to reduce pain. If needed, sedation can be used alongside local anaesthetic.

Is sedation safe?

Yes, sedation is completely safe when administered and monitored by a qualified and experienced professional. We are fully qualified in sedation treatment and put our patients’ safety first. We make sure you understand the process before we begin and what will be happening during your treatment. As you remain conscious throughout, the risks associated with general anaesthetic are avoided.

How do I prepare for sedation?

To prepare for your sedation treatment, you should eat a light meal 1-2 hours before your appointment, and make sure you take all your routine medication as normal. It is also important that you arrange for someone to accompany you to your appointment, as you will need to be driven home and looked after for the rest of the day.

Can I still talk if I have sedation?

You will still be able to talk if you have intravenous sedation. You remain conscious and able to communicate, but it is likely you will not remember any of these conversations once the effects of the sedation have worn off.

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